Only 6% of Belgian companies use an absenteeism management system such as absenteeism software. And that's a pity, because absenteeism software means you always have a handy overview of the situation when it comes to absenteeism in your organisation, and can take targeted action accordingly. Without those automated insights, it becomes difficult to reduce your absenteeism costs, your HR staff get landed with extra administrative work, you don't know where and when to make adjustments ... Bart Teuwen and Diederik Benders explain.

What exactly does absenteeism software do?

Diederik says: “Our absenteeism software helps you centralise all your absenteeism data in a secure way. It anchors your absenteeism procedures in your organisation and gives you a clear overview of your absenteeism situation and figures. Where is it running well and where does it need improvement? Is there a particular department that needs extra attention?”

“The platform gives you notifications, meaning that for each file, you know which action is required and when. But you can also record your reintegration process (thus fulfilling your legal obligations), organise absence interviews and report on them, support preventive measures for mental health ... Everything you need to turn your employees into happy professionals.”

Bart: “Managers, for example, are often given training courses on how to conduct absenteeism interviews. If they are then finding themselves needing to have such a conversation only after six months, then that learning is already way off. Absenteeism software helps them through tips and additional tools such as templates.”

As an employer, why should I invest in absenteeism software?

Bart: “The need for effective absenteeism management is only increasing in our country, and companies can still make a lot of gains in terms of follow-up. Indeed, often the overview is lacking. An Excel file does not suffice when it comes to tracking absenteeism. TeamFlows is a ready-to-use package, available in Dutch, French or German. It contains all the modules you need to monitor and improve your absenteeism situation. Our experience shows that such close follow-up alone raises the absenteeism threshold in organisations.”

“Since the amended reintegration legislation you also have more legal obligations as an employer in case of absenteeism: providing opportunities for adapted work, the accountability contribution in case of long-term incapacity ... And in the coming legislature, our governments are going to put even more effort into making sure those with long-term illnesses return to the workplace.”

Why did you decide to join forces?

Diederik says: “Our areas of expertise complement each other perfectly, allowing us to offer employers a total service package. Mensura advises companies in their absence process, while Otherside at Work takes them through the technical support layer of the software. We collaborate and work closely together in the background for each client.”

Bart says: “Sharing knowledge also makes us stronger together. When Otherside at Work tests new features of the software in the Netherlands, we help support the preparation and are already planning follow-up steps for the Belgian market.”

What differences do you see between the Belgian and Dutch markets? And how do you take those into account when counselling employers?

Bart says: “In the Netherlands, the Gatekeeper Improvement Act applies. Employers must continue to pay the sick employee's wages for up to two years. Once those two years are up, your company will be assessed by the government: what actions did you take so that the employee could return to work quickly? Your company will be fined if insufficient effort has been made. As a result, Dutch companies in general are more concerned with absenteeism; the market for absenteeism software is much more dynamic there.”

Diederik says: “Otherside at Work is a company from the Netherlands, where we have been able to test and refine our software for years. We are happy to bring that experience to the Belgian market.”

You have already helped several employers to underpin their absenteeism policy using absenteeism software. Which added value do they highlight most often?

Diederik says: “At the touch of a button, you get a snapshot of absenteeism across your organisation. The automatic notifications mean that as an HR employee or manager, you always know when to take which step, so you don't overlook anything.”

Bart says: “Above all, it is a smart and dynamic system. For example, if an employee indicates during an absenteeism interview that they would like to talk to a psychologist at some point, all the manager has to do in the interview report on the platform is tick a certain box. The system then automatically generates a follow-up task so that the psychologist concerned is notified immediately. That way, you always provide the best possible guidance.”

“And the added value lies not only in that efficiency and better follow-up. You also gain an insight into your absenteeism patterns, you comply with legal regulations, the reporting options make you talk more openly about employability, your employees feel involved, you embed and sustain your absenteeism efforts in a user-friendly way ... The ROI is always there.”